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CAM6系列免費手機監看軟體下載位置? |
Andorid手機請至goolge play下載Wecam_P2PII軟體
蘋果手機請至APP STORE下找Wecam_P2PII軟體
Please check if your mobile phone support 3GPP or Streaming player.
(1) After set up all network configuration, please type below link in your streaming player of mobile phone:
rstp://[Camera's IP]:[rstp port]/[path]
(2) If your browser of mobile phone supports JAVA, you can type below link:
http://[Camera's IP]:[http port]/Jview.html
(3) If your mobile phone is a smart phone:
For MPEG4 camera, the firmware must be V3.2.70 or higher version.
For H.264 camera, the firmware must be V1.0.18 or higher version.
iPhone: http://[camera_ip]:port
For MPEG4 camera, the firmware must be V3.2.70 or higher version.
For H.264 camera, the firmware must be V1.0.18 or higher version.
(4) If you are using PTZ camera and want to control PTZ by mobile phone, please download "IP CAM Viewer" from AppStore.
Note:SVR440/640 do not support mobile phone viewing.